How I fight

I jump up and shoot, and use vastira to hit them.

Don’t use vastira. End lag is terrible, you’re stuck and can be counter attacked easily. You do 140~ damage with it and they do 500+ with a quad blast

Jump, shoot, block. Simple on paper but it’s all about execution. Got to know when to block, how to aim, get used to predicting, etc. Just keep practicing and you’re due to only get better :nod:


holy hell, how the frick do they do 500 with quad blasts.

Bit of an exaggeration unless you use iron/gold but it feels that way. Probably closer to 400 on average, go figure though. Just use a blast that has 4 blasts. Good for countering if someone uses a move with high end lag (beam or explosion for example).

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what magic do you use
Also sword better

wind 860 does 700 in a quad blast

idk stuff man I just use weapons :person_shrugging:

yep. your cooler than everyone here (except vetex & mimhere) because you use weapons in a magic based game.

I use weapons in magic based game too. :person_shrugging:

Maybe im not so strong as him, but I able to beat magic users using only weapons.

genuinely surprising even though most wom players are garbage

Well, im mostly no life which playing WoM for 2 years. But sometimes I leave game for some months and lose half of my skill, so I have to restore it every time I coming back.

if you 1v1 any proper pvper you’ll have a harder time

Yeah. Its hard enough…

synvade fried me during a tournament by using weapons

I said most, im well aware of the power of weapons. I was literally farmed through servers for infamy by the syndicate :sob: (even tho this is pre nerf)

if you use sand and an 860 set its over 700

skill issue tbh

but i win a lot

your opponents must also have a skill issue