How many clean sunkens is worth a headless?

atm I’m trading a lot of my bad enchant sunken gear for clean ones and I’m wondering how much I would need for a headless

*update I managed to trade 5 clean sunkens+ clean oath/woj for a headless

uh clean ss is worth equal to headless. so 3 to 5 clean sunkens. but most people want overpay so I’d say 7 or smth idk.

oof ok ty. im almost there then

How many you at rn?

atm i have 2x clean helms 2x clean legs. but I also have a swift chest and bursting chest in terms of enchants

Bursting chestplate is good. Keep that sell the swift.

Bursting chest could be valuable, I’m no expert trader, but I know Bursting is a good enchantment for Sunken set. Ask a trader though.

But keep it. Keep the bursting.

yea fs. been trying to get rid of the swift since last week but no takes ahaha

yea, bursting is considered better than clean i believe. probably still gonna use it towards the headless

Yes. Since Sunken gives magic size, and Bursting amplifies that, it’s one of the most valuable enchantments for it. Keep it, definitely, it’s going to help.

yeah it is.

It goes hard powerful bursting clean any other enchant then forceful. (forceful shit)

forceful shit unless you’re a funni knockback wind user

yeah it’s not good on sunken though

Yes, I know. There’s much more desirable stats for it.

Wind gains more knockback from magic size than knockback

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Explain please

Wind’s knockback is based off of its magic size…