How much is a clean sunken sword worth, in sunken terms?

I want to trade one for a sunken chest and leggings, is it worth that? or more?

its worth a headless head

I want sunken though, not headless. it’s worth considering though

its worth a hard chestplate

okay, what about clean and bad enchants then? I want it for vanity

ah, i think its worth two sunken pieces

sorry for a late response, if you still want an answer here it is:

a clean sunken sword rn is worth slightly less than a hard sunken helmet or leggings.
i would not recommend trading it for cleans or bad enchant sunkens unless you really want to.

oh, thanks for replying. I suppose I should be trading for that right?

Well it depends. You can either trade it for a headless head for long term profit. Or trade it for said hard sunken gear and try to trade that for even better/more sunken swords. This way you will either have sunken swords to trade for lost spells/skills or headlesses.

You mean slightly more or what because the sunken helmet is the worst expensive accessory piece possible.

Pants maybe idk I’m not trader but come on, helmet?

go farm 1600 vastiras/oathkeepers to trade for it

helmet and leggings share the same value when it comes to the hard enchant. Even tho helmets suck a hard sunken helmet is still the best defense accessory that isnt an amulet so if youre looking for 1.2k hp then its pretty good.

Also pvp viability doesnt equal value most of the time atleast rn. Otherwise wojs would be considered more valuable than oaths which they arent rn for some reason. Same for mino armour compared to exiled armour

so its either slightly less valuable than a hard sunken helm or of equal value depending on who youre trading.

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