How much is a headless worth

Like a sunken sword or what idk

going for about 2.6 strong sunken sword’s worth

Honestly anywhere between 52,667 iron armor sets and 15,102 mercenary jackets but honestly you could get it for pretty cheap depending on who you trade with.

ill only trade my headless if somebody offers me 2 headless

Bro it cant be that high u said it was at 2 like last month only reason high value trades r coming is cus of macroers but they’re bring found by people like box

fr box is a trained macro assassin

Lowkey feel bad for macroers

dropping like flies

imo worthless item, doesn’t provide any actual value apart from cosmetic.

still the most valuable item in the game by far though


still useless to me, will never trade for one.

all expensive items in wom are useless besides sunken sword

U projecting?

you also probably wouldn’t be able to afford one

lmao have you seen that guys inv though


(1.49m after our trade)

tf did you trade

100,000 fish bait

it is

i think it was over a month or two, but yes, I did