Based on Cerulea from AA and Ingvild dialouge how racist do you think Skyhall will be based on 3 levels: accidental racism, casual racism and competitive racism?
definitely competitive racism
imagine if at one point we get another wanted arc and it’s just because we’re sea dwellers
lvl 3
I would not consider someone who hates anyone from below anything other than competitive
its a competition and I will win
no joke the weakest Skyhall citizen would win because they always have the high ground
Sea dwelling monkey’s don’t deserve the sky air that falls down to their level.
you underestimate my power!
I really hope the chapter(s) dealing with skyhall ends with us getting to option to commit genocide on their population.
make it a suggestion
the less oxygen you breathe, the better you are ofcourse
the greatest skyhall mages just place a wind magic circle in their lungs to avoid even having to breathe
Skynerds are gonna lose it when I start the industrial revolution in the war seas and make their skies uninhabitable.
Sea dwellers and sky citizen will compete speedrunning global warming to kill off the other and I’m all for it
Rich sky people: My sea dweller is stronger than yours! And he works for “no pay”
I don’t know if this will get be banned or something.
Time to beat another ruler just to prove that we deserve helping them.
Considering Skyhall unique circumstances there wouldn’t be any surprises if they’re a bunch of inbreds and the royals are the worst amongst them.
Skyhall King will smoked the MC 100% because hitting him back means MC get sent to the sea monkey ableist club immediately
As a result, our task is to prevent a war between racists and barbarians.
magic disappears over time, if you blow wind magic into your lungs eventually the oxygen will just disappear making your blood go uh oh