How rich are you based on the forums

  • 80% and higher very poor( only commons and uncommons)
  • 75% poor(one or two Halloween seasonals)
  • 70% somewhat poor( multiple Halloween seasonals and or 4th of July seasonals)
  • 65% slightly poor( one or two boss drops)
  • 60% below avarage( multiple boss drops)
  • 55% slightly below avarage( one sunken item)
  • 50% avarage( multiple sunken items)
  • 45% slightly rich(one headless)
  • 40% somewhat rich( two headlesses)
  • 35% pretty rich( three headlesses)
  • 30% rich( four headlesses)
  • 25% very rich(five headlesses)
  • 20% and lower very very rich( more than five headlesses)

0 voters

my most valuable items are my headless, my powerful sunken chest and my swift sunken sword
i’m not rich but i’m very far from poor

i have 3 clean sunkens + 2 good enchants and a good amount of clean/good/bad boss drops + some seasonals but no headless

no need to be rich when you’re friends with rich people @Nuclearman7 :wink:


i only have seasonals (no headless) and a single vastira

I have 3 seasonals.
(green cauldron)
(shoulder crow)
(haunted skull chain)
About 80 boss drops
(9 clean walls but only 1 clean oath)
And 3 sunkens
(Hard sunken helm)
(powerful sunken boots)
(strong sunken sword)

and me why u leave out me

also this is rich people discriminate, where is the 10 headless option
also also these percentages look inaccurate, i do some math for you and fix :+1:

roughly you’re in a .13 chance to have a headless out of everyone thats played. so that would make people like me who have over 15 to be somewhere like .01 or smth like that idk

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guys we need to stop discrimination against rich people

I only got one headless one sunken sword and a few miniscule collectibles but ig 45%

who is it that has the vetexgames-owned maid skirt? that person be the 0.1%

You can sell me you’re account with Tester acces for AOTU for 2 Headless Heads

Who are you?

Really people actually sell their tester accounts?

I touch grass does that count?



100,000 dollars or no deal

naw i would never backstab someone’s trust :smiley:

Who are you?