How would you nerf the top tier magics?

Shadow - I dont think that shadow deserves a nerf, since it is meant to be used by itself. The negative interactions are enough. It’ll be interesting to see what two magic builds will come with shadow.

Wind - Reduce the damage affinity to .9 from .925, and reduce the speed affinity to 1.35 from 1.4. I’d also remove the ability to clear sandy, and reduce the damage dealt to petrified targets.

Water - I would give it the size and damage of ink, which are the .925 damage affinity compared to a .95 damage affinity, and a 1.2 size affinity from 1.3. Water doesn’t need those high stats, it already has good clears and good interactions.


switching to plasma in ao


  • lower the dmg? im not sure


  • slower and less damage


  • please vetex i was 12 km away from little timmy why did his blast hit me


  • help the splinters one shot vetex why would you do this :weary:

shadow -
ya like u said it doesnt need a nerf cuz it has no interactions so its going to be op early game but who knows later
wind -
if u nerf damage then either keep the speed the same or nerf it too, saying this with magic bias so thats y i rather not have both
water -
just make it less braindead gg wp


1. Poison - because my favourite magic
2. Poison - because my favourite magic
3. Poison - because my favourite magic
4. Poison - because my favourite magic
5. Poison - because my favourite magic

Just a joke

Are you forgetting about wind’s knock back? Early game when ppl used to just trade self explosions wind was OP, high dmg and knock back so u couldn’t trade in time. Either way idrc about “tiers” for Magic’s, if I lose, skill issue, if you lose, skill issue, not magic issue.

it needs a damage nerf., It doesn’t need a huge nerf because of 0 interactions, but still needs one

Please don’t nerf shadow please my pvp skill situation will be even worse :pleading_face::pray:


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Right. I once saw that 50 lvl guy defeated 80 lvl guy

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shadow is alr gonna be shit on in ao, no good synergies (or not enough)

I don’t think thats the magic’s fault lol. that level 80 was just a skill issue. Also wind knockback useless

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Nerf crystal because it’s too good

nerf water too much damage for something so big

I would nerf them by buffing the low tier magics

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