I cant delete this so I'll just sit here in my pain and sorrow

this is a joke btw dont take it seriously (dont try to defend vetex either unless ur actually him cause its wrong)

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 5 hours unless flagged)

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 5 hours unless flagged)

Shhhhh, he just really likes Minecraft :slight_smile:

Actually it’s you that doesn’t know how game version numbers work


1 = the games release number
2 = major releases/updates
3 = number of smaller patches within the bigger update

Many games use this method of naming their versions, namely minecraft


Yeah, I figured World of Magic was heavily inspired by Minecraft. You can tell

I hope you’re joking :fr:


I dont know how game versions work :man_facepalming: my bad

Grass = Minecraft Copy

whats this? the ancient one has been awoken? impossible the ancient one never leaves the development cave!
on a serious note it’s good to see vetex doing something other than developing for what seems like days on end.
and now i learnt something about how game versions work.
:bulb: The More You Know :bulb: