I exist now

Heyo! Not much to say really. I like wood for no particular reason, explosion is also nice I guess. Warlock is the best stat build and nobody can convince me otherwise. I have a cat named Apollo who screams and breaks my stuff and I love him to bits. That’s about it for me.


@ThatOneGuy even though one might beat you to it, it’s still for you

@air Run, before you get conditioned.

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Welcome to the forums :clap:

You’re correct and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is blasphemous

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You’re my brother from another mother :frcryin:

Welcome to the Warlock gang :sunglasses:


Welcome to the forums! I suggest you run away. If anybody other than ThatOneGuy performs the ancient ritual on you, please attempt to ruin their lives.

Warlock gang rise up! Based :sunglasses:

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Welcome to the forums! Here have a cookie :cookie:


Welcome, but remember Paladin is winning!

This man hit all the right buzzwords welcome to the forums


air conditioner existence day! hello! hello!


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As someone who is biased against wood magic for no particular reason, welcome to the forums!

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existence is futile
or wait was it ‘resistance is futile’

pog explosion

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Warlock gang … IS REAL !!!

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Glad to see that I was greeted with a warm welcome!
i think

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Yes, you were.