Agility actually does something and gives quite a lot of speed at our current level, might have to be nerfed in the future
Your joking right -.-
[Edit]: I usually relate all stats in a pvp viable standpoint and right now agility barely has any capability in pvp other then maybe running away, dodging, and closing in. All of which are extremely small parts of pvp. Dodging is pointless because any player could adjust their trajectory to get perfect hits(It’ll probably only throw off the enemy, at first). Closing in would actually be useful but thats only if you have damage and speed to back up the offensive move. As for running away, ya sure only “Tactical Retreating”.
The comment for a 4 month necrobump alone should land them in Brazil 3…
brazil 3 is too much for this necrobump
brazil 3 is when someone necrobumps a 6 month old post
Ah, I see. Of course. What is Brazil 3 like?
brazil 3 is one of the worst places on earth
its not the worst because theres brazil 4 and brazil 5
brazil 4 is when someone does a 9 month necrobump, and brazil 5 is when someone does a 1 year necrobump
you do not want to be in brazil 4, let alone brazil 5
Come on, it can’t be that bad…
Using my powers of prediction, I predict that all bursting items will…
probably be a good investment if Vetex improves it. I have too many to count so hopefully they become useful after TGR.
Only one way to find out…
Well, peolple of my country say “hate something and God will give you just that”
Okay where is the person that want to go to Brazil…
guys got some bursting hunter’s so i can use
ohhh i hate primordial magics so much ew i hope i never even get one ever or multiple god that’d be my worst nightmare
heh sarcasm don’t count
who said i was being sarcastic??
your text
I think he was being sarcastic
Jack stop being a nurse and troll player with bursting enchantments
I know there’s nothing against necromancy like this but bro
four year necropost
i kneel