I met Alberto salore, the world's most annoying snow user

So uh, one day I was in summer hold with my acid alt, regis barion, saint rep and max lvl with a hunky 16 kills (weird flex)

So I was literally just fishing for money and then out of NOWHERE, some lvl 82 man named “Alberto salore” attacked me with a sword, it didn’t do too much damage because well, hes not even max lvl and I’m wearing mega chonk pvp set, but it was still incredibly annoying.

I tried warning him by firing some acid shots, he ran away and I thought that he was just some random player, so I ignored it and kept fishing.

Until a beam of snow hits me.

The little punk is literally sniping me from behind a tree.

I run up to him and he tries spamming placed explosion, I bring him down to red health and he runs away AGAIN!

I tell him in chat “look noob if you’re gonna run then I’m not fighting this”

He responds with “no you’re the noob”

I just sigh assuming hes mentally disabled and try to continue with my life, I go to a bandit outpost to try to raid it, and as I’m destroying it, HE COMES BACK AGAIN.

10000 snow beams and acid blasts later, he runs away AGAIN.

I think you can see a pattern here.

This pattern repeats literally like, 16 times.

Luckily my iron magic friend, who I forgot the name of but remember the user, pestilencethe_cat, had joined and made a team with me, I told her what was going on and she told me that this guy apparently attacked her as well while she was forging.

So we kept on extremely high alert, he was nowhere in sight, we decided to go fight mino, while we were fighting guess who came back.


“sNoW mAgIc: BlAsT” x 1000

We had a hard time fending him off, along with mino, however we came across two wind users who helped us deal with mino.

After mino was defeated, we told the wond users about the little parasite that kept attacking us and ran away whenever he was about to die, Alberto is dead by this point and we think hes gonna leave us alone, so we head to summer hold.

We are messing around in front of the castle sand just as we are having fun, he reappears and ruins everything.

I actually beat him this time! Serves him right too, also who the hell uses 20 blast?

I tell him “karma” and my allies repeat “karma”, we think he would rage quit by now but oh no sir he was pissed off.

He kept spawning nearby and kept attacking us, at one point one of the wind users actually fought back and killed him, after me having to fend him off myself, my iron friend was somewhere else fighting exiled and the other wind user wasn’t helping.

So just before he can run away again, I snipe him.

But then he attacks us again, and after I almost beat him, he runs away successfully, and is never seen again.

He basically gives up and literally it took him 3 hours (I was watching time) to just leave us alone.


Welp, theres alberto salore for you, you guys have any annoying people encounters you’ve had before?


He bulli

cry 'bout it


I think he was the one who did the crying Cuz all it did was give me free kills lmao

lmao rn

As a person with autism, I find this insulting

That man is retarded, not autistic



I can tell he is a Flamingo Fan. Mostly from the name.

Or he’s hispanic

Sorry, that was a poor choice of words.

I should have used something better

I’ll fix

It’s okay, it was mostly a joke


Josh 2.0?

Was his name tigerbaby?


(Full body)

He promised me free robux

Also I gamked his iron alt Antonia salore

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