Closed store

Im looking for:
Sunken Chest

Im offering:
Any boss drop.

sorry, sunkens are always more valuable than boss drops, even a forceful sunken helmet is worth atleast one strong oath.


2 strong oaths actuslly

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even worse

I am honestly confused on how you thought anyone would take this deal

Kind of an asshole-y thing to say, just bc you know this isn’t a great trade why do you think everyone else will?

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I checked and this guy has been playing or has been in the community for 2 years

Also I get that sent of a bad vibe but it’s a bad deal

welcome to marketplace

He only MADE his account in 2020, he’s only just now being active, also the amount of time he’s been here is irrelevant, since you could be here for 3 years yet not know the values of stuff. If you see a bad trade you either explain to them why its bad or simply don’t say anything (unless you’re drama lol), saying shit like that doesn’t help them understand values.



Sorry man :frcryin:

Naw it’s fine, just the energy that comes from sayin “idk how you thought this was good” (especially if you don’t elaborate, and it’s not like very clearly absolute dogshit) is really shitty, imo it’s worse than sayin smth like “shit trade”. But you know now.

I just assumed because he joined In 2020 he could have been active on disc or WoM.

Less then that. 1 strkng oath and a half


at least 3 strong oats then someone may take the offer

damn i sure do love them strong oats

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