I spent over 35k crowns trying to get hard iron set, then when i wanted keen this happens first try


In what multiverse is spending 35,000 crowns for wanting a singular hard iron armor set okay?

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you could have just asked the forums for a hard iron set

ik someone who probably has a set

besides, iron armour sucks fr

well it gives enough defense when hard enchanted and im not grinding for exiled/sunken

also 35k crowns is pocket change



lol bruh

pretty much, that how little value crown has

i also found a merchant selling wizard hats, i bought the entire stock and enchanted 4.
i got 2 hard and 2 powerful

Bro use hard wizard

i wanted hard iron for testing a build


how do you spend 35k crowns for 3 items for hard enchant?? how shit is your rng jesus, i could max and make lots of other pure stat sets with that amount

it also took me 2 hours

2 hours isn’t particularly much but the spending of crowns is absurd to me. smth like 8-10 hours would be nuts

  1. #game-discussion
  2. Wtf hard iron armor???
  3. WoM has bare minimum content playing it if you aren’t a new player only proves you have no life as you desperately try to find things to do in a game that won’t be updated for months instead of waiting or playing other games.

Idk man you and I are on a forum literally centered around the game why do you give so many fucks about if people play wom or not?


Poor people problems :troll:

mf do you got to cry hard everytime I call WoM contentless saying “my wish I like playing contentless games cause I have no life not ur problem”

He didn’t say it wasn’t