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Plasma + wood combo is going to become super powerful once second magic comes out, since scorched increases wood damage by 30%. Additionally, wood can proc bleed if it does 33% of a target’s health. This bleed effect can be activated much more easily on a scorched target, due to the aforementioned 30% damage buff bringing you from a 0.95x multiplier to a 1.235x multiplier.
Wood gains another 30% from hitting a bleeding target, which could add up with your Scorched debuff’s 30%, to give wood magic a 60% damage buff and give you a total 1.52x damage multiplier, with 1.14x on contact with the remaining 0.38 being dealt over 5 seconds.
A 1.14x contact damage multiplier is great, especially with the 0.38x bleed multiplier. To put that into perspective, Gold magic has a 1.2x contact damage multiplier, with it getting an extra 0.3x from the bleed effect.
With how easy it is to land placed explosions, this effect could be constantly applied at all times in close range, giving you a massive advantage over other combatants.
The buff from scorched also stacks with the buff from burning. This gives you a 60% damage multiplier onto wood, without even accounting for the extra 30% from bleed.
With this amount of damage, you will almost certainly proc bleed on every attack using wood magic, and add up to a whopping 90% damage bonus. This gives you a total of 1.801x total multiplier, with 1.35 contact multplier and 0.451x bleed multiplier.
While Burning and Scorched were the most notable debuffs that improve the damage of Wood, here are the rest:
Wood Crystal Paper Glass Earth All weapons Ash Sand Acid Magma Explosion
Here’s a chart made by Metapoly showcasing all of the magic stats and synergies, and also how I got the information needed for this post.
I feel like it’s going to be like Vesteria again where one combination gets absurd dps and invalidates pve content for anything but that build and kills what was left of pvp
He’s referring to perfect blocks, I believe.
However, let’s say that wood deals 150 damage per blast thanks to a power setup or something similar. (Values are equal to what we have now for the sake of comparison). If you multiply this by 1.9, you get 285. take 80% of that away, and you get 57 damage. I’m no expert, but I’m relatively sure 57 damage will fail to cause bleed and can be regenerated back within 7-10 seconds by most if not all lv60 players. Blocking is still very effective here, as far as I can see. Maybe less effective than against other potential combos, but still effective.
I think a bleed magic would work better than water, probably glass, iron, or wood. Sand removes soaked and does less, and while water doesn’t remove sandy, it still does less.
Armchair analyst here, you can forget the bleed, even with 60% bonus dmg, you most likely won’t cause it. maybe if both of you are glass cannons, but if someone wears a bit of armor it won’t happen. And unfortunately fire and plasma don’t interact with eachother, so the combo is too one-dimensional to really be that good. you need to analyze all possible combinations, if you find just one then that’s no good, considering it’d take time to set it up as well.