I'm a horrible person

I never had a magic that truly fit my playstyle, until now.

Unfortunately, the magic that fits me is generally considered the most toxic.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have become the thing I swore to avoid.

I use wind magic :wind_magic_var2: :frcryin: :frpensive: :pensive: :sob: :sob:

As fun as it is to use and as great as it is in my type of play…


just don’t be toxic


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Aren’t we all horrible people?

Im stealing that

Welcome to the Wind


shadow is better

This post is old, I’ve mastered the ways of water now

My respect for you has decreased immensely but I will still tolerate you…

Oh yeah you do never mind lol should’ve scrolled down smh

You’re a horrible person are you?
Well, well, aren’t we all.

You Literally just hopped to another meta magic.

imagine using any S tier magic
poison :heart_eyes:

Me with my radioactive hot orange juice

:magma_magic: :mariomug:

Why tf do so many sleep on magma? :fr:

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