I'm back, so hello again!

i remember you (my old user was lockial)

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You literally joined 3 days ago

You’re good

Is that a thing nowadays?

What project?

It’s alright, no issue

Yeah, precisely it’s Yoimiya


I’m aware


oh hey hello there
Cyro got tester but i think he gonna continue oddysey feed

wtf is this hell naw im leaving again bye


mandatory /s

why are you also speaking alien language now too?? :cold_sweat:

it’s not???

if Dictionary.com doesn’t have it, then it must be alien language :cold_sweat:


im not joking i legitimately dont understand the fuckin /s/j/whateverthefuck mean??

/s is a short term from the internet used to mark when something is sarcasm.

Was just attempting to make a terrible joke about your name

Could see

Why you named project hr1 tho

First @forgottheirname using /j now this person

Idk why I hate when people do this. I think it’s because most of the time it’s an obvious joke

It doesn’t anger me per se, but it makes me disappointed because can people really not damn tell when people are joking or not or being sarcastic or not anymore?? It also takes away all the value from a statement for me, sort of like saying a joke then explaining it right after

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agreed… ****