I'm fine with the crowns being super inflated

I’m fine with the crowns being super inflated.
I’m fine that crowns aren’t the main currency in trading.
Its not like people were doing 1200 crowns for a strong sunken sword deals a month and a half ago.

All the suggestions I’m hearing focus on fixing the crowns worth in trading which majority of the people who play the game don’t trade on a daily basis.
A lot of the suggestions may make crowns worth a lot in trading but would hurt the main game.
Most of the player base doesn’t even have 5000 crowns on all 3 of there files.

deleting the codes and crowns wont even do much to be honest it would make players have to grind more, and crowns wont be the main currency for buying stuff still.

I wont take 5k crowns for a sunken sword and even if crowns get deleted and codes gets deleted I wont do 5k crowns for a sunken. Crowns are not that useful compared to a shiny new sword, nobody needs 100k crowns.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Honestly I think the reason why Vetex is sending these codes out is because he wants to kinda help the new players out in some sort of way or form? idk.

Yeah most players don’t want to have to spend hours of grinding just to upgrade gear or to make a guild with there friends

Meanwhile I am here with my 4th piece of hard wizard robes when I want powerful :sleeper:.

you trying to flex on us poor peasants?

well worse case scenario it would make the German Papiermark look like gold.