Im looking for a guild (dark alingment)

im lvl 90 paper magic, im looking for a guild.

no one tell him

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also welcome to the forums

Greetings welcome to the forums

?, i feel stupid now ngl ;-;

the game is being revamped right now, paper magic is being removed and guilds are being deleted

so, since i have paper magic will my save be deleted or will i be able to choose another magic?

youll be able to choose another magic

but your file won’t be erased (unless roblox its self fucks up)


plasma and glass are most similar to paper

glass would be a good choice if you like paper


mfw you cant do dark shit without rp:

plasma isnt similar to paper, wind is closer to paper

don’t disrespect my second favorite magic by comparing it to plasma

both have low size, low ish base damage, damage over time, and fast speed.

wind is only comparable to paper in speed.

wind is better

ok and