Impact better get nerfed

impact should be like a lot different than what it was in aa, you should have to continuously be fighting with it, because if u dont…

lets not talk about what happens if u can charge it and it wont decrease… anyways, u think it will be nerfed? cuz if it isnt, R.I.P. AO pvp

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impact was literally just a fucking one hit kill machine and from what i remember it literally wiped pretty much anyone the same level as you

sounds balanced 10/10 keep it the same


How do you nerf something that doesn’t exist yet?

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It will…you guys gotta stop complaining and read the whole description for Impact…


Roblox player moment.


did… Did you not read the Trello entry? Vetex literally said it wouldn’t be like the AA one.

Read the fucking Trello.


No I didn’t read the trello and it was meant to be a question, look at the tag of the topic

it wasn’t even OP in arcane and anyone who has played arcane can tell you that

Ok well it’s op in ar and ar is just a copypasta of aa

Except it’s written in roblox compatible code

It’s OP if you know how to fucking use it, also the charge up is so fucking tedious. You do realize all the damage comes from punching literally hundreds of times just to charge up your impact fist right? It’s earned it’s not just ooo I can spam this shit. It’s gonna be different in AO anyways, read the fucking trello.

In ar it is op cuz u can camp at an island with autocliker and then just use e and one shot some dude with huge aoe

You dont “know how to fucking use it” that’s literally the opposite of impact, anyone can use it

bruh it was pretty busted in AA and AR because there’s no block button now that we can, just block it

We will just received 100000 damage instead of 20000000

perfect block noob

ok now u only take 50000 damage, ur hp is 2000 btw

Man perfect blocking 50000 damage is still gonna be like 2k damage fr


Ignorant sneeze