Implementing more coil effects into shadow

After seeing the look of the reworked shadow i have a suggestion to make it more “shadowy”.
It lacks coil effects, shadow in arcane adventures and in meany games always had those coils, the explosion that was posted in the discord is a bit too spiky.

Not the best example and it doesnt look too polished but it still shows that coils are generally more fitting for shadow, and with a good design based around coils it would look better than it is currently.



possibly already planned for pillar explosions

or it could just be a massive dark pillar with shockwaves coming out of it.

what if it was an explosion that came out of the ground and had little tentacles coming out of it

Shadow needs more coil, like in AA

Agreed, have a vote


Imagine Arcane odyssey

imagine imagining arcane odyssey

imagine furry

imagine being a furry :fr: couldn’t be me

What im a juniper

can i smoke you

You can technically smoke anything. However, if it is sentient, you may need to ask for consent.

Meh. The spirals were cool, but I still think it’s kinda… Overdone. The spiky blackness of Shadow Magic we have seen in the revamp sneak peaks honestly defines it beautifully; An all-engulfing darkness that has no mercy. Not as heartless as Darkness Magic, but it comes close, with its appearance almost lacking form and shape, and the spikiness just speaking of a mindless, careless force that consumes all.
It portrays a great picture as-is.

In my opinion, Shadow magic is a bit boring. It is completely black (obviously) and has no special shapes. It’s pretty much a cylinder with a few spikes.


Isn’t that contradictory?

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I meant like with Vantablack. It looks two-dimensional, as if it has no depth.

that’d be interesting

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