In your opinion who is your top 10 pvpers of all time in WOM

this list is outrageous

New list is whoever hits level 10000 first at the top

Visan that dude that use wind magic and crossbow and Orion
early wom pvp

Nah we found out they were lag switching, no skill in that

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i knew something was sus with visan lol no wonder

Orion on the other hand uh, no clue what his thing was, dude put sticky notes on his computer screen LMAO, wouldn’t doubt if he lag switched too though.

outrageously good

How does a lag switch help

WOM is client sided. You lag switch, they stay in place, hit them, it’s a hit. That’s why he always used bow and not magic

i feel like that would be pretty obvious that you’re cheating though

only notable people in that list are sov, level and devi. the rest aren’t even good pvpers and i can give a reason for why for each one

I just use a bow because it’s good :sunglasses:

i clearly said its a list for UNDERRATED people that are good but i often dont see in these discussions

Lag switching confirmed

i guess you can say they’re underrated but in no way can half of that list be considered good

I miss too often to be using a lag switch :frpensive:

Not when it’s client sided

only took nearly two decades and like a month after your post but there are now oceanic servers and with Arcane Odyssey coming in two days I’m sure you can destroy all of these noobs with your experience in such areas. :smiley:

in their individual primes, at their very best they can all be considered good.
how good they were in most of their time at wom is a different issue but my list wasnt about consistency but about their primes

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