
(super late introduction lmao)

Hi. I’m a_nerd and you’ve probably seen in a few posts. I joined last year and I’ve been on the forums for a little over a year now. I’m 13 and one of my favorite genres is mythology and urban fantasy. I’m a pretty powerful reader, although don’t read much. My favorite magics are, well…almost every magic, and I’m super hyped for Arcane Odyssey.

spicy food pog


bad + skill issue + ratioed + gg ez win + :-1:


Ezia my bro you can’t be going around like that

What does “going around” mean ?

So when you joined you were an underage!

Based :sunglasses:

In this case it would be talking on the forums I guess.

Welcome to the forums, definitely haven’t seen you around before

cringe tbh

Well it’s a late welcome but,Welcome to the forums! Have a cookie :cookie: