Is a sunken sword better than an oathkeeper?

Im wondering if i should try to get an oathkeeper or a sunken sword

sunkens arguably better

aside from the fact that oathkeeper’s being replaced, sunken has an ability without endlag

okay thanks does it do more damage too?

oathkeeper does have a quick long ranged attack but how bad has that gotten after the weapon nerf?

without a strength build both are useless in a fight, though sunken is good for dealing extra damage and its also pretty good for utility

Okay, the utility would be like the special attack right? because it could be used as a high jump



Valuewise a sunken sword is much much much more expensive than an oathkeeper.

Pvp wise, if youre a magic main then id advise not using weapons
If youre a weapon main then the sunken sword is better for pvp than the oathkeeper

Pve wise the oathkeeper is the best weapon but only use weapons if youre a weapon main

Sunken sword has more utility in general gameplay, as even if you don’t build strength, a small bit of damage and propelling you without endlag is very valuable in PvP

Oath used to be god tier, weapon nerf made it so if you don’t build strength just throw it in the bin lol (Don’t, as others have said though, its wonderful for clearing out large groups of enemies like magic councils)

ye but if the oath still kept its magic clashing ability it would still be good. Especially in a blast filled meta

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