since the damage multiplier is 0.825,do you guys think lightning is still good?
im aware of its above average clash rates,destruction and speed but i wanted your opinions
also,ive built power and defence,should i focus on casting speed?
since the damage multiplier is 0.825,do you guys think lightning is still good?
im aware of its above average clash rates,destruction and speed but i wanted your opinions
also,ive built power and defence,should i focus on casting speed?
Lightning magic is semi-meta. Since its fast and high clashing, but also has 10% bleed synergy, it works well with the current weapons meta
lightning magic is good people just dont like it… according to that one poll ANYWAYS its has the same damage as light slightly slower but looks cool, has a meta which is water ice because water increases damage by 25%? and ice (frozen effect) increase it by 50%.
what about its damage multiplier of 0.825?
I recommend you go defence, and anything but power.
why no power?
about the beam hitbox
is it the same as the other magic beams?
yeah why no power?
Because of bad dmg affinity of course xd
yes its the same it just looks different because its a lightning bolt, something about speed does something i think range and cost
You won’t be getting the most out of the power stat, especially since Lightning is below average dmg.
thank uu
but damage is still damage but i mean if you do get sunken i guess it isnt as important
i appreciate the advice but i think im gonna mix power and defence
Nah you can’t look at it individually. In comparison to other magics, investing in power will mean you lose out on a lot of potential, especially in mid-late game.
Ok it depends what playstyle you want. If you’re a metamancer and go for weapons build, then having power is super useless.
Tbh for Lightning I recommend a mix of Def, Casting speed, Agility, and maybe knockback.
knockback? really? when did that get good
Its only good for fast magics, because knockback does a lot with placed explosions, and fast magics have fast placed explosion cast time.
Especially since beams got nerfed, so placed explosions are viable in pvp now.
Lightning has the same damage affinity as Ash (0.85).