thanks luke!!!
Alright pedro, i will pay you 3 dollars to be my friend, and you will pay me 3 dollars.
wtf roasted lol loser xdxdxdxd
There’s a difference between being insulted online and insulted in real life. If someone makes a death threat in real life, it has more credence. But people who aren’t online everyday don’t recognize that the internet has less credence.
But if you manage to get insulted or death threats everyday in real life to also become desensitized to that, then more power to ya. But still, not a lot of people take death threats kindly.
Yeah I know, irl is different than pixels on a screen spelling out ‘‘I’ll tear your skull in half and throw it in a sceptic tank’’
And no, I don’t get insulted everyday, but desensitisation kinda moves over from irl to the internet and vice versa.
holy fuck what happened up in here
sup noober what you up to noober
please Ignore me being a total maniac
doing good haha, but sure haven’t read all of them yet
Some guy sent a death threat to fat fish or spider language
defo not to spider language
guys shut up you all smell like poop
How the fuck did a saltfest about a toxic guild get turned into a discussion of how death threats should be treated on the internet?
Everyone here is too online and it shows
is me, pedro the bypasser yes yes
special ability: turn any conversation in any direction desired, maybe even ram it into the 7th dimension
this is too overpowered, i’m gonna have to ask Adopted Systems to nerf this next patch.
Ay bro dont call me stupid or immature im not the one who sent several nwords with R and death threats to somebody because they made “gay above” jokes
tf you mean i havent been in the discord server in months until retarded ass azlx wanted attention and decided to ping me and start drama in the server
and if anybodys stubborn its you, its obvious with the drama thats gone on here.
Wont even budge when theres evidence literally infront of you.
ive got receipts
tf you mean dumbass, ive literally got proof. Dont base shit off of nothing retard