I was building my paladin when I realized if REGENERATION is good. I was like “Perhaps I could try if it works then I’ll stay with that build”. So what do u guys think about Regen?
So good that it’s getting nerfed
Pretty good but it just got nerfed by like 25% regeneration per point in combat
Well, I made a file that was max regen
Anyway the bosses I normally struggled on was a breeze
(Except you Calvus fuck you)
There was another thing where I was fighting Natasha
Got to 2 hp
Regen saved my ass
insanely good
According to metapoly following the nerf it gets you about as much value as defense if your fight lasts 2 minutes
okay so uhh
is it better before the 120 secs or after
Before, after 120 seconds you gain too much health and suffer a health gains tax. Why do you think navy NPCs keep running after people?
I’m assuming it means that the health you recovered because of your boosted regen is now equivalent to the hp you would’ve gain via defense.
Basically, after 120, regen gives more hp than defense. Longer battles go on, regen is stronger after all.
(I think?)
lemme guess
before that change, regen would be better than defense much earlier?
i think it was equal at like 90 seconds
Well my fights last usually longer than 90 seconds so-