i always get paranoid when getting an actually good deal for a trade. its to the point i started giving the item they demanded for free if i didn’t really need it JUST to make sure i am the one that sent it and there is no malicious intent behind it. am i being over paranoid or is this threat still there
give me 1234 prometheus acrimony?
when i get that yep
I was asked to trade 1 coconut in exchange of 10 galleons.
Needless to say, I was curious as to why they needed a singular coconut.
They were starving and only had change
Their goals are beyond your understanding
Still, they probably could’ve traded a weapon or something
If they had a weapon they would’ve murdered someone and eaten their corpse, they only had change
praying for an actual answer
The threat is always there, things happen, people find holes in systems.
that i understand but i am talking like in the now. i turned down 50 win trades its starting to eat at my brain
i havent heard anything about trade exploiters recently and since you’re so paranoid you should probably start recording all of your trades
how could we miss this foreshadowing
yeah this is uh fucking ridiculous HOW does this keep happening??
Anime foreshadowing irl