Is this mfer actually fr?
Sorry for bad quality, my screen recording software makes my files SO big, they can’t even go through streamable, and I have to edit it to be crappy as possible.
Context, I just used an interchange potion to get 130w 120m on my light conj, and some assassin dude comes up and tries to assassinate me. He’s a glass warlock, yet he barely used any moves TOWARDS me. Like, at all. And the worst part is I only had like 400 fame at the time. And this dude actually killed me! Like, what the actual fuck man?

Feedback below if you want it. Rest in peace, my guy.


I know literally nothing about this game’s PVP, so take what I say with a massive heaping pile of salt, but I think you should try and watch your stamina more? You couldn’t really dodge or high jump that often because it was always hovering towards the bottom, and your sprint kept being disabled by it, further messing with your mobility.

Idk, I again don’t know much of anything about PVP.

yeah uh protip anyone in gravy/assin are mentally ill do not go within an islands length of them


and for an actual tip: let your stamina recharge man like god you took more damage from stamina loss than the guy

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Regular sparring guy, can confirm. I have trouble watching my stamina, and sometimes it makes me take some avoidable hits or keeps me from T Jumping. Also doesn’t help how running completely out of stamina stops your sprint and keeps you from blocking.

Watch your hunger, friend. Above 25 at all times, 50 if you can. Anything below 25 reduces stamina regen noticeably.


It’s what you deserve for having 400 fame without being a PvP demon kid…you’re not ready enough to handle the enemies you’ll have with such renown…


shuld have won bozo

I just now noticed this. Key’s right, the reason your stamina was failing like a tiktoker’s grades was you having no hunger. It seems like such a small thing initially, but in life-or-death it really makes a difference.

aside from the stamina thing, i don’t think u should hold ur mirrored river

or their rivals I guess.

That hurts you?!?! Damn, wtf?

oh my god that kid was so dogshit, he can’t even hit beam LMAO

doing things that take stamina while not having enough stamina substitutes your health for the excess stamina consumption

his stamina would be much more manageable if his hunger was above 25

Run and hide in a tree bro, then ambush him.
And yes please eat food, takes like 5 seconds to spam click and dodge

To be fair, this footage doesn’t show the whole picture. There was probably a good 10 minutes of him trying to fight me, getting to low health and running away to where I can’t see in Rubica, then running away and taking the fight to the spot between Rubica and Rasna. And when the most important thing on my screen is the dude attacking me and trying to kill me, stamina management goes out the window.

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