Every purchase you make will have at least a 10% tax towards it that you will have 10 hours to pay to the Grand Navy. Banks will also have a tax to withdraw and deposit money into them. In order to pay the taxes you will have to guess how much you actually bought and if you overpay your taxes you will get a tax return. To pay your taxes you will need to go to a Grand Navy Financial Building that will allow you to pay your taxes and you will have to do the paperwork. If you work for the Grand Navy you will not have to pay the taxes.
If you fail to pay the taxes:
If you fail to pay the taxes you will be sent a letter by the Grand Navy forcing you to pay double the taxes to avoid jail time or to turn yourself in.
If you fail to pay the taxes after that, all top commanders of the Grand Navy will spawn around you to arrest you for not paying your taxes.
Tax evasion:
If you are a villain you can choose to avoid paying taxes. If you are a regular civilian you can donate an item to a museum to get a tax write off. Of course you can always abuse this system by paying an appraiser to value it as much as you want then donate it to a museum to avoid paying taxes.
A final move for certain fighting styles that only activates when the enemy is really low, and has like a 10% chance of activating that deals massive amounts of knockback and will destroy any structure or environment the ragdoll comes in contact with