Knight/Savant will be the meta

having 6 weapon slots effectively gives knight/savant a genuinely insane amount of options, and im honestly all for it.

what do you guys think though?

you as a savant trying to reach the number 9 in order to use your ninth whatever

tl;dr : savant too long


it is not allat hard, ive done it for other games (namely deepwoken)


hello duke

Knight mains rise up! :fist:

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cant wait for 50% speed debuff while carrying 6 pieces of junk

My hand is going to die because 9 offensive hotbar slots
Source: I play rotd and have 5 weapons in my hotbar (rn only leveling), with the more important stuff like Medkits and such are at number 9

that’s assuming spirit weapons aren’t mostly reskins of existing moves then you’ll just have a buncha pointless duplicate moves

having 2 blasts has never went wrong

the 2 magics and fs for other hybrids in question:

atp mages do not have enough unique options for multiple magics to matter, same with fs techniques

u only need one when the cooldown is half a second

two blasts gives hella airstall

aren’t there like 27 planned rare spells or did I pull that out of my ass

shrug, maybe
two blast spells never hurt anyone but an entire moveset consisting of reskinned blasts and reskinned self explosions might


post cant be empty

I feel like there’s gonna be more than 0 rare spells being added in full release, especially considering the speed at which moochez pumps out attacks

i love moochezz :heart_eyes: