Level 80 Hard Oath for any item owned by vetex (prob won't respond for a while)

ill give u a hard oath for any item owned by vetex and if u want any other melee weapon good or bad (discord user: littleflowergamehakdYT#9939)

vetex owned items are worth a LOT. because vetex dont trade.

youd have to offer sunkens. besides, like nobody has any items owned by him

ok didn’t know

jokes aside. Trading one exiled armor set AT MOST for your hard oat. You may choose what gear piece you want

Honestly you could get it with a clean WoJ.

what exiled armor piece would you give if you were me then cus i think woj worths slightly more than oat

Oathkeepers are worth more than WoJ in most context. Strong oathkeeper is worth mroe than a heavy WoJ and Heavy WoJ=Clean Oathkeeper.

A clean WoJ is worth about a hard oathkeeper.

seems like I’ve overpriced woj a bit
ok ig

Yeah it’s ok if you value some items more than others. Just remember that this is a market and the rough sketch for values has been meticulously identified by traders because we take into account every detail, but there will be overpays or underpays and those trades one or the other might consider a fair trade. Welcome to the trading community, we look forward to making a profit alongside you!

if that was the case, offering clean woj for your hard oat

false there is no value for them since nobody has ever even traded an item owned by vetex on the forums

collectors item
thing owned by vetex is expensive
its why i value vetex items so high. i have 2 brain cells though so im probably very wrong

I can offer you an item owned by heddgy if that counts

no one has vetex items, and vetex himself does not need a underleveled trash enchant sword that he can easily spawn in himself lol

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people do actually.

may I take

his fish is smelly

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