Lf a right hand man to play with

looking for someone who wants to climb the leader board, gank, and farm npcs for renown, its more fun to play with people anyways. i came here cuz most ppl just like to pve but if ur a pvp player interested in the same goals as me lmk.

ayy i met you before, i can be happy to do it

PolygonalShapers IGN

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Yo can we start a gang?

I’m a pve player almost exclusively but I have a maxed out side file with 100k bounty I could use. Unlike my main- I outright do not care about his fame in the slightest. Leaderboard players are mostly rude and stinky anyway. (Mostly). I’d lose no sleep over beatin’ em’ up.

brandon314sbackup, if you have the room.

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ye forsure my discord handle is the same as here same for roblox

im on rn if u want to join

imagine if u had a gang of 10 ppl ganking lbs

I’m a LB player but I’m pretty chill and polite, but I fucking hate when I get ganked by a whole fucking clan of 5 or 6 people with thermo-planes, Warriors spamming 250 dmg aoes with 1.8k hp and 120 agility, and mages with placed explosion. Teaming on a single player is just a bitchass move


ye add me we had a lil group going last night.

I’m not saying I’m joining, was just in response to @Sebastian_Banks msg

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