Light Gunslinger build

So I made a warrior build as my first slot and since I dont have to worry about stat spread I will progress with it when the level cap increases until I know where to put my stats for hybrids. (so I dont lock myself out of something on this build incase their is a good stat spread like 120 magic 130 weapons right now.) and im just thinking of some accessory suggestions. To clarify what I mean by “gunslinger”. Im planning on using guns with light magic for incredibly hard to dodge attacks that disorient the opponent with blinding. I am ONLY using guns to fit in with the theme and I dont know what the best accesory build is. Im going 120 magic and 130 weapons so I can use bronze weapons.

Go full guns. Get a musket, a regular flintlock, then dual flintlocks. Be a badass.

Quite a while later, I gave up on the build. On paper it was good, but the damage was INCREDIBLY LOW. People would just rush me and tank the damage. Melting me instantly. I am now thinkin of going wind + boxing warlock and seeing if the effects stack. Might even make a page about it.