Light Status Effect Should Work on NPCS

It’s not easy to implement a blind on NPCS. Obviously not. But I think that it should exist. So this is how I think it’ll work: NPC’s with blind have 50-75% greater chance (on top of normal chance) of firing at the position where you are instead of predicting your future position. Pathfinding will still work the same way.
Reasons to add this:
Blind is one of the biggest reasons light can compete with higher damage magics. But it doesn’t work against npcs, making light far less useful for someone who isn’t gonna spend most of their time fighting pvp.
This also makes logical sense. If someone’s blinded they can sort of keep track of their enemy while not fully blinded, and in theory you could listen to where your enemy is going, so you would fire more at their current position as opposed to predicting. For balancing purposes 50-75% makes sense. Also this is not overly broken or unbalanced. It should be fairly easy to implement as well, as pathfinding is not changed (they’re following the sound of your footsteps/jumps).
Shadow could possibly have a similar effect on npcs or something completely different.


I think should also not affect bosses, or else that’d be a bit op

Sure. That makes sense. Pretty sure a lot of effects don’t affect bosses anyways.

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