[ LN ] Impossible, SSS-Ranked Trash Collector! ( Part 1 )


On a certain island in a place called The War Seas, a trio is about to fight something really dangerous and gruesome, you could even say this battle is their last. The trio consist of a legendary wizard, a master swordsman, and… A high ranked trash collector!

Trash Collector: “Behind you!”

Trash Collector: “Haaaah!!! Cleansing!!!”

Wizard: “Oh! Thank you for the support!”

Trash Collector: “Don’t worry, i’ve got your back!”

Swordsman: “Slash slash slash, Tch… There’s just no end to them…”

Swordman: “Pant, we’re gonna get surrounded at this rate…”

Trash Collector: “Looks like this could be the end…”

The trash collector looks up in the sky colored with gray clouds.

Trash Collector: “No… I wont let it end just yet!”

Trash Collector: “Get close to me! I’ll use my high tier ultimate spell!”

The wizard and the swordsman sticked closer to the trash collector. The trash collector then raised both of his arms in the sky and a huge magic circle came out, followed by five smaller circles surrounding it.

Trash Collector: “Ultimate Spell: Vacuum!”

As the trash collector chant his ultimate spell, a bright light filled the island as it suck everything around them.

Chapter 1: Impossible, Im Trapped In Another World!

It was a hot summer day in the city Tokyo. Despite the heat, people endured it and still kept on working. Especially Sefo, who’s about to have an unfortunate experience.

Worker: “Good work, Sefo!”

Sefo: “Thank you, good work to you too as well.”

Worker: “Man, even though it’s hot today, we didn’t get a day off.”

Worker: “Boss must be so cruel to not think about the employee’s health, Sobs.”

Sefo: “It can’t be helped, we chose to do this job after all.”

Worker: “But it won’t hurt to atleast give us a break right?”

Sefo: “Haha, well, want a cold drink to cool off? It’s my treat.”

Worker: “Hoh! Sefo~! How kind and generous of you!”

Sefo: “It’s nothing really, besides, drinking with someone is way better than drinking alone.”

Sefo: “Well then, i’ll go find a vending machine.”

Worker: “Oh! get 7down for me!”

Sefo: “Sure thing.”

Sefo walks around the area to look for a vending machine. After few minutes of walking, Sefo has finally found one.

Sefo: “Hmmm… 7down… Ah, here it is.”

Sefo: “Now then, what should I take…”

While Sefo was busy trying to choose his own drink, a mysterious sound can be heard in an alley.

Sefo: “W-what was that…”

Sefo being curious, he entered the alley. Thinking it could be someone in trouble, he wanted to atleast help them, although when he reached a dead end, the source of the noise was inside the dumpster.

Sefo: “Hello? Is someone in the dumpster?”

The dumpster created another mysterious sound as a response.

Sefo: “A-are you okay in there?”

This time, the dumpster was quiet. Sefo being curious, he wanted to take a closer look and tried to dig through the trash. Though the moment Sefo touched the trash inside the dumpster, he was immediately sucked in.

Sefo: “Waaaaaaaah!!!”

Sefo surprised by getting mysteriously sucked by the trash, he screamed in response. A moment of darkness filled Sefo’s vision and he felt nothing while being inside the dumpster. The moment he finally touched something, he was immediately surrounding by something.

Sefo: “Can’t… Breathe…!”

Sefo didn’t understand what’s surrounding him to the point he almost couldn’t breathe. However, he could still move. With the desperation of trying to get out, he started digging his way out. Shortly after, he finally saw light and quickly dug to it even faster.

Sefo: “Fwah! Finally, i’m out!”

Sefo: “But wait a second, where am I?”

Sefo looking around him, he was apparently still inside a dumpster.

Sefo: “What the hell… How did this dumpster have that large storage…”

Sefo looking around him again, he noticed that he’s no longer in an alley and was in a different place which looks like a village.

Sefo: “W-what the hell?!?? Where am I!?!?”

Sefo started panicking being in an unknown place just after being sucked in a dumpster.

Sefo: “Is this some kind of sick joke?!?!?”

Sefo: “No wait, I must be on tv. Yeah, that’s the only explanation to this!”

Sefo: “Oii!!! This isn’t funny anymore so please take me home!”

Despite his plead to make people bring him back to where he was, he was given a response with an angry shout by someone.

Unknown Man: “Shut up! You’re being too noisy!”

Sefo: “S-sorry!”

After being scolded by someone, he became embarrassed and stopped. Instead, he started to walk around thinking he might recognize the place but after a long time of walking around, he noticed that he’s passing through the same place as he go around in a circle. Because of this, he realized that he’s in an island that is populated by people.

Sefo: “W-what the hell!! This isn’t funny anymore!!”

Sefo: “How did I get into this island?!?!?”

Sefo: “No, calm down and think.”

Sefo: “This must be set up by someone and i’m sure i’m on tv…”

Sefo: “But wait, this don’t make sense though.”

Sefo: “How did I went from Tokyo to this island in a short amount of time?”

Sefo: “Did I get drugged and kidnapped only to get sent here?”

Sefo: “Hmmm… I should try asking people around to know about this place.”

Sefo walked back to what seems to be a kingdom and asked people about what and where he is sent to.

Sefo: “Excuse me. Can I please ask you a question?”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Oh? Don’t recognize your face around here, are you a traveller?”

Sefo: “Y-yeah, kind of…”

Sefo: “Can you please tell me what this place is?”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Oh, did you perhaps lost your map?”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Heh, well it’s alright, don’t worry pal, you’re in Redwake.”

Man With Huge Muscles: “You’ll be fine here as long as you don’t cause any trouble.”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Though I must say, you’re wearing strange clothes.”

Man With Huge Muscles: "I’ve travelled through every kingdom but I dont recognize what you’re wearing.

Sefo thought to himself “travelled through every kingdom?”.

Sefo: “Um, well, you see, I came from a very far place…”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Oh, then that would explain it.”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Well then, if that’s the only thing you’re gonna ask, i’ll go now.”

Sefo: “Thank you!”

Man With Huge Muscles: “Yeah, goodluck pal.”

After Sefo finally knowing the name of the island, he thought he finally had a lead on trying to go back home. Having high hopes, he started thinking on where he should sleep. Little do he know, he’s in a different world, a world where magic and swords exists. Although he still haven’t noticed it considering he haven’t seen someone use magic. Considering he doesn’t have any money on him, he decided to just sleep on the floor and call it a day.

To Be Continued


i am going to scream


recommend using actual normal dialogue/writing instead of playscript style dialogue.

The swordsman breathed heavily, his arms weakening. “We… we’re gonna get surrounded at this rate.”
“Looks like this could be the end…” the trash collector replies.

kinda funny tho, comedy is something most of us posting in #writing:advanced-writing don’t really think about all that often.

Also fck you forums I told you to notify me whenever a new writing topic appeared goddamnit


me when

Aye, was just testing out how it would look like for now, i’ll go with the normal dialogue in the next part.


whats comedy again

just because i’m not funny, dosen’t mean it isn’t comedic

Hello just me reviving this chat again and I just have to say that is completely correct