Looking for a clean sunken sword (Repost cause the original offer got changed)

Trading hard ss + clean sunken boots + 5 seasonals (willing to pump the amount to 10) as the offer

available seasonals :
x5 death crowns
x2 hallowed 1
x2 dark omen mask
x1 head wrapping
x1 edgy necklace thing (forgor name)

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what’s your discord tag
not buying, just want to talk

Hmmm im considering this trade… if its still up

still up

The hard Ss and the clan boots are yours? or its from another pples ( Just to know it )

well this can go 2 ways

  1. they are in my inventory right now yes
  1. only the clean boots have my name on them the hard ss was a trade i did earlier this week where i traded 1 strong sunken chest and 1 clean helm for it


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