Looking for oathkeeper (any enchant idc)

no I know values quite well and you for sure lost value. You should’ve gotten a bad enchant sunken for it :man_shrugging: you didnt lose alot of value but still bad trade for u

so youre saying youve got a good sense of economical value yet you think a bad enchant sunken is worth a strong oathkeeper… okay thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard, also do you know how many strong oathkeepers i have? theyre not hard to get

getting 12 different boss drops including a vastira for a single strong oathkeeper is a good trade

Are you trolling or smth? Ask nuclear or drama l o l

are you retarded or something?

also why the fuck would you come to a closed trade just to tell somebody they “lost value”

Yea you’re trolling lmfao. No way you’re that stupid

a strong oathkeeper is NOT worth a bad sunken my guy, are you out of your mind?

It actually is / small underpay @Nuclearman7 help this guy

imo the trade spider did was a fair trade. Strong oath for those

= strong oath

tho its not a direct overpay or anything. just a decent trade

now for the sunken part: bad enchant sunken > strong oath in value
even tho that fucking garbage ass forceful sunken helm which is absolutely useless exists. Its still worth more than a strong oath. Purely cuz of sunken rarity and how it’s pretty easy to get oathkeepers rn. (tho in this specific example a forceful sunken helm is only slightly more valuable than a strong oath)

Side note: these trades really never happen since they arent beneficial for either side. What are you gonna do with bad enchant sunkens? nobody wants em, while strong oaths are easily the best rip off material.

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as I said, = or small underpay. Also

imo bunch of clean boss armors plus some shitty enchant minotaur just isn’t something smart to accept. Might be fair in value but trading those shitty enchant mino stuff would be pretty hard

dont forget the swift axe tho, ye its not that great but all of it stacks up

i do get where youre coming from. Its harder to judge a trade if theres more items involved

ye in the long run I feel like he lost value. Since strong is going to be fixed in ao. And as you said, strong oath is epic rip off material.

maybe, tho at the same time mino and exiled armour sets could turn into some really valuable armour sets

we will just have to see

fair point.

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did you not listen to what i said earlier, i have a BUNCH of strong oathkeepers, not just a single one so i pretty much lost nothing from doing this trade while i gained tons of boss drops that i did not have, especially ones from the minotaur who i cannot grind

and also what kind of retard would come to a trade just to say “you lost value” get a fucking life, it was benefitial to me and thats it, i won value.

thats not how values work lmao.

Also what kinda retard would get all soyboy from one statement?

those items were valuable to me, and did you not listen to what nuclear said? and so what if its not valuable, its valuable to ME because I need them

nd also what kind of retard would come to a trade just to say “you lost value” get a fucking life, it was benefitial to me and thats it, i won value.

alr then. I said you lost value because next time, maybe you would try and get a better trade. I wasn’t trying to be rude lmao. Chillax. No need to become so pissed off over one statement

pov: you

alright then lol. I’m not the one who got pissed off from one statement :mariomug: