I’m looking for a sunken sword (any level or enchant). I have a clean sunken helmet and sunken boots and some seasonals and boss drops (No headless). I can also add 10k crowns. The boss drops i have are mino boots, mino armor, mino helmet, exiled leggings, 2 vastiras (1 clean and 1 hard) and a strong oathkeeper that I would prefer not trading. The seasonals i have are mostly just normal halloween seasonals and america cap and sunglasses. I can specify more if you’re interested.
This might be worth a hard sunken sword? Not really sure…
Well let’s think about this:
-Your seasonals are worth nothing
-10k crowns is worth nothing
-You have sunken helmet and boots.
-full mino set + 1 more vastira (hard) (Good, but not mega good in a big trade like this)
-Exiled leggings (It’s just one, makes almost no differance)
-Strong Oathkeeper (Pretty much mandatory, without it this trade is even more doodoo fart)
Basically you have 2 positives, 2 negatives and one half.
I’m almost certain this trade is not good. Of course I could be wrong.
Hard maybe. Clean or strong def no
I’d take your entire offer, excluding the seasonals. The strong oath is mandatory in this trade.
My Offer: Swift Sunken Sword
Include the seasonals because value
why swift :waaaaaaa:
I mean sure but no seasonals are mandatory for me.
Ok, whats your username on roblox so i can add you. My roblox username is SecretofEvermoreFan.
You can also DM me on Discord at SecretofEvermoreFan#5072
I’m sorry that I was not able to do the trade. We probably have very different timezones.
What do you mean? Do you not wanna do it anymore or can you not do it? I would still like to do the trade.
Oh, yes I’ll do it. I just assumed you wouldn’t be on any longer by now.
Alright, this topic is gonna close soon so you should add me on roblox or discord if you want to proceed so we can continue talking.
I added you on discord
I added you on discord, I’m soxi
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