Make hard enchanted items have better clash rates

Since hard weapons are seen as the worse enchant, why not add something else to it, just like how agile weapons cost less stamina? Im thinking they should make the weapons that have hard enchant have higher clash rates, so they are actually useful for pvp. What do you guys think? (Im not sure if this is already in the game yet or not btw)

Sounds genius to me.

honestly, yeah this would be great

I agree since it also makes a lot of logical sense as well. How could a swift sword be just as good at clashing as a hard heavy axe?

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ion know

but lvl 1 bandits with a dagger could beat that axe no prob

god tier suggestion

we got a smart here this is the best idea for this bad enchant

I remember thinking of this before, good suggestion, Nico

Yeah guys, Nico isn’t the only smart one here. :angry:

Hush playr

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Please make it happen.

No more getting crushed when I see “hard” pop-up in the enchantment notification.

Like you are really gonna block with some knives when you can block with a fucking wall.

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