Me gib swift ss (+2 boss armor adds) for stronk ss

this is a certified wom moment

its a bit of an underpay tho so sorry wiki man

Nah you cray

I’ll do it.

theyre swift sunken swords
at most its even

good on you for doing it ig game mod man!!!

Have tons of sunken swords, so they’re all the same to me. But you say I shouldn’t so many I shouldn’t, so I’ll say nah then :eyes:

honestly imo the traders overexaggerate the value of strong ss, relative to the other enchants for sunken. I mean swift ss is way better for pvp anyway and the difference between the two is a slighlty more preferred enchant, which I try to even out with my adds.

you do realize traders dont determine the value of anything they just give their view on it and/or mark it down on a list of sorts

Alright, let me give you a basic economics class (wow aren’t I thoughtful? :heart:). The market for various items in the game are composed of traders (aka buyers if you will). They will have a demand for a particular item, stronger demand = more pricey, less demand = less pricey. And then there’s supply (made up of traders who sell a certain item), and that is determined by how many people have said item, how rare it is and how hard it is to get it. Now when these two intersect, you have our price! Yipee! But wait, what happens if the majority of traders of a market over exaggerate a price in relation to its supply? This will cause higher demand and therefore higher prices. The rarity and effort needed to get both a swift sunken and a strong sunken is literally the same, yet strong sunken is worth more, why? Because the strong enchant is more desirable to the traders of the market (and rightfully so), but when the traders over exaggerate the price too much, you’ll create a weirdly wide gap for the same item with just a different enchant. But in essence, traders do indeed determine the prices of a particular item in a player economy because that’s what’s stopping us from offering rusty cans for a headless and guides us to make proper and informed decisions when trading.

(be thankful for this free economics class)

Dog, I already know all of this big fella, you’re really overexaggerating how big the trading community is in wom and ao, fella its extremely tiny compared to the community, even at the peak of wom there wasn’t hundreds of active traders, yet there was tens of thousands of people playing wom, what traders like me do is just have value preferences and observe the marketplace seeing the latest trades and offers and just observing them and compiling them into data lists (value lists). The strong sunken sword’s value is really not overexaggerated, and even if traders WERE to overexaggerate it they’d have to put some serious propaganda into people’s mind to stop them from selling their strong sunken swords for cheaper, because the value is decided by the the majority and the latest trades on the marketplace, just like how it is in literally most types of trading including real life (of course there’s a lot of other factors in actual irl trading but the latest transactions and how much the majority of people are willing/are paying is still a big factor either way). If anything the only valid item to say this about is the headless, if you decided to watch the marketplace over the course of the past few months you’ll see that there was some real big artifical demand happening, due to most of the people having headlesses on the forum (and are willing to trade them) are decent sized to large sized traders having already done most of their headless trading and literally none of us were interested in the old trade standard of strong sunken sword + some other add, which in turn raised it’s value exponentially to basically double what it was, but still I wouldn’t really say that’s traders over exaggerating the price of the headless as only a miniscule amount of them were saying it was worth more at the time, I’d say it was more so people getting more desperate whilst the already small trading community’s traders already being basically done and dusted with their trading.

Didn’t see this earlier when I was writing the other stuff. While yes the effort and rarity are both the exact same, the strong enchant is not more valuable simply because traders value it more, it’s because the demand for it is just so much higher than the swift’s one, why? Probably because casual players (majority of players) think higher damage = better (even after the weapon nerf) and probably because swift isn’t AS noticeable as strong to the average player. And if anything most traders to be honest seem to prefer swift sunken swords more than strong ones (in terms of use not value though), and you can find a decent amount of posts where traders are publically saying that strong is pretty much useless and that swift is easily the better enchant, yet strong is still valued more by the community and average player despite there being basically 0 trader support for it (in terms of use), why? Because for the 300th time the majority decides, not just a few traders saying otherwise.

You seem to have misinterpretted what I mean by ‘trader’. When I said majority of the traders valued a strong sunken with a bigger gap I wasn’t talking about the 1 or 2 top traders like Drama or Box, I was literally talking about majority of the traders here on the forums. They all value strong ss like how I said earlier (from what I see anyway), so when majority of the people value something as A, good luck trying to get it for price B.

So I’m assuming what you’re trying to say is, the largest traders with the most stock are only looking for big overpay so in turn strong sunken swords are now much harder to get for cheaper because of these big traders. But that’s just not true though? There’s about 4-5 people who I’d say are “big” traders, sure. But not all of them value stuff the same or look for the same amount of overpay (if any at all). Plus ALL the big traders’ shops are currently dead and most big traders don’t even trade that much at all anymore, the most active shops you’ll find is only okay sized traders’ shops (like me nip nip nip nip :nerd_face:) and we usually don’t look for as much overpay compared to the bigger traders, but even then the shops category is completely dead right now and so is the marketplace in general, a large portion of people who trade right now is just people who do one-off trades or dabble in trading a little bit but not enough to be considered a “trader”.

Oh i get what you mean now. Youre correct on that. Strong sunken swords definitely have too much demand for how useless strong is currently. Swift should have been worth more but unfortunately that isnt the case. There just barely anyone looking for a swift sunken sword compared to a sss (strong ss). So if alex wasnt here to take you up for your trade you would have been very unlikely to find a trade with that offer

Oh i get what you mean now. Youre correct on that. Strong sunken swords definitely have too much demand for how useless strong is currently. Swift should have been worth more but unfortunately that isnt the case. There just barely anyone looking for a swift sunken sword compared to a sss (strong ss). So if alex wasnt here to take you up for your trade you would have been very unlikely to find a trade with that offer

This :pray:

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Paragraph writers going off on eachother

forumers when they see a properly constructed english paragraph (they don’t go to school so they’ve never seen one before): :scream: :hushed: :astonished:

nah he just means that we both argue in paragraphs/large bodies of text lmao

damn you must be the actor for the next sherlock homes movie :face_with_monocle:

dawg you think that low of me?? im an entire lie detector bro whatchu mean

Facts, when I joined the forums headless was = sss, now headles is worth 1.5x the value of an sss

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