Mini griddy poll


this is a social experiment to see how the votes would be if users weren’t influenced by others

  • just add dab
  • just add griddy
  • griddy and dab added
  • no don’t add them
0 voters
If you vote in favor or not of griddy/dab, why?
  • I miss the arcane adventures dab
  • It would be goofy to have in game so sure
  • PvP is already toxic so might as well add it
  • Both are cringe
  • Both would cause toxicity
  • would ruin immersion
0 voters

Idk who voted but I just updated the poll so vote again

yep check and re vote :+1:t5:

small bump
poll closes in 3 hours

Can I vote last 5 in the second pool?

Hey I think it’s been a little more than 3 hours

And they were never seen again

i want the griddy because i want to be able to finish a heart-breaking-supporting-character-death-cutscene-HOLY-FUCK-THAT’S-A-LOT-OF-HYPHENS and just griddy away back to my ship afterward

Morden Dying, Iris Tells you to find a doctor

you: starts griddying

I think it’s been a LOT more than 3 hours

I re opened it Lol

Oh sorry

Ok guys poll officially closed
And what I’ve found is that…

on the first poll stating what to add

  • there was majority saying “yes add them”, probably because some AA players only wanted AA dab and no griddy

on the second poll, being specific about why

split 50-50, probably because more votes start to even out? Idk
