All the new gen guilds usually claim that they are the best but get beaten with ease by decent people at pvp. I bet I can beat them with my plasma file. I don’t even say that we are the best (clearly not) on my guild. All of the leaderboard guilds don’t even claim that they are the best. They’re not good at pve either I’ve seen some of these guilds struggle hard at a few scouts. I just hate how foolish these that make guilds are. That’s the end of this stupid rant because I saw a few new gen guilds that claim they are the best. You can prove me wrong idc.
genuine facts bro
guilds ever since guild update pretty much would put in their bios that theyre the best
just leave them be they arent hurting anybody but themselves
Im trying to get out of rookie so I’m gonna hunt them still
new guild mid
yeah this is the reason why omega is winning
lemme just farm you
the account which owned omega got banned back in september 2021
(loud warning)
L bozo
why would anyone leave them be? they’re infamy printers and usually toxic
start talking once you are at rookie
Yeah i can speak when I was chasing a grand council member she called me scared but I was doing the action
Ash Ketchums basically
Exactly the way you put it makes it funny
“Back in my day…”
new guilds when their 20 blast doesn’t work
new guilds when they lose a 4v1 to me
The jp guy is so weird lmfaoo
they complained about me hunting players when i only fought them to defend a player they were 1v4ing too