"Minotaur, I can't kick your ass if I don't come closer."

hilarious, beautiful, truly elegant

Anything jojo is appreciated

Godlike as usual

bruh Minotaur’s gonna do…
too late

“Oh… you want to fight me? Instead of running your coming closer? How ungrateful after your magic council freinds sacrificed there lives to tell you the secret of my charge technique? He was so desperate like a civilian running from a bandit!!


I need to axe something. Is it his swordn duty to arrest criminals?

that feel when this was my laziest post BUT IT HIT 69 LIKES POGG AOAOAOAOAOOAOAOA

Epic insertcharactershere


Why is this one of the highest liked posts on the forum

cuz pple love haha funny za warudo anime

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Player, did you perhaps… Come here… Intending to ‘Farm’ me? I see… So you are farming me… I understand. So then, the bag in my pocket, have you tried opening it? What I’m saying is… Simply looking at that bag from the outside, you wouldn’t know for certain that what’s inside it is an ‘Axe’, no…? Isn’t that right? Though it certainly seems to be fragments of ‘Something’… But looking from the outside, those may be helmet fragments… or perhaps boots fragments… it may not look like boots… but that definitely looks like it could be a large chestpiece! How can you be so definitive in saying that what’s inside that jar is an ‘Axe’? I’m explaining the fact that you ‘Opened’ the bag. Because you got that package, you opened the bag with your hands, you ‘Saw’ it. And it’s because it gave off the sweet and tradeable scent of an ‘Axe’… that you came into this room thinking it was an ‘Axe’. You got all excited thinking ‘I’ve got an exclusive scoop here’, didn’t you?

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you trying to give me undertale vibe-

Yes, one time I got them 400 meters away from each other and decided to see what would happen. Its actually pretty boring.

huh really what happened

Oh…You’re approaching me ?
Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me ?

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Yo this post is legit about to hit the 100 likes milestone hypeeee

good art but the meme’s long dead

people are just beating a dead horse

nah we be resurrecting the dead horse

please don’t