MrNormalBox's Shop (Archived Negotiation/Arguments)

can i offer you exiled helmet, exiled chest, powerful exiled leggings, swift oathkeeper, and woj for a sunken sword or sunken armor?


Sorry I misunderstood, then I really doubt that, SS is worth like 15-20 Strong Oathkeepers

nah ill pass

id say thats (slightly too litte) for a strong one, sounds a bit too much for a clean one

trading 1 rusty can for a headless


cope harder

Clean Oathkeeper
1000 crowns :skull::skull::skull:

1 Like

no way I just lost 1000 crowns!!

Headless Head
Hard Sunken Chestplate, Bursting Sunken Boot, Clean Oathkeeper

I will give you clean sunken sword for hard sunken sword + clean sunken set

w trade


what can swift and nimble sunken boots get me

as far as sunkens go a clean helmet

deal can you trade rn

now i dont want too

:skull: ok