My main issue with SunCry (and other guilds like them)

This is just my personal experience, but the people from suncry I meet are pretty chill

Sorry for the bump. But damn you’re right.

Also… Boi oh boi this did NOT age well at all…

SunCry more like suck my bulging dinosaur hope your guild rots in hell

75% completed yet its back to 0%
1 year post :amgry:

I can’t believe people malded this hard for getting killed by a group of people in a lego game. This isn’t even rouge lineage you only lost a couple crowns and even if you didn’t know about crown codes exiled and mino gave around 300 crowns.

These mfs took guild roleplay to a new height.

Also to be honest Jason was like Enderic in the beginning then he got an ego and groomed a child so


“They don’t like exploiting of course”
and what is this tho?

Lmao exposed

I had this exact experience with Jason, he sat down and talked to me for like 7 minutes in bronze grassland all the while his friends were running across the map and getting ready to barrage me, a few minutes later I was being gunned down by all sides and Jason finished me with a beam, that was like 5 months ago but still

know what you’re speaking about before calling out anyone, Jason never tolerated exploiters and all infamy gained by some clown exploiting was removed by authors/heddgy an in game moderator.

Also WoM’s dead stop crying about getting rked in a game where you don’t lose anything upon death except infamy by 5 people or 10 people does it make a difference how many people are hunting you the point is not to let you fight back but if you cared about it you wouldn’t cry about getting rked.

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off topic but how did you do this and why

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why do you wanna know

because you gave someone 1000 likes :neutral_face: that’s almost impossble on one account

i mean clicking a like button a few times and waiting a lot of times isnt hard
also it isnt 1000 likes yet

i’m not gonna go off topic but :neutral_face:

i mean it isnt that a big of a deal
your acting like it is

Don’t worry bacon, I salute you to such an incredible record on the forums

its just likes
i dont know why its important lmao

Suncry bad mmmhmmhmmhmh ok now lets kiss