Nimbus sea diver rarer than epicenter?

This makes no sense to me. nimbus sea diver isn’t that hard to get.
Does NS diver give you a special name colour? That could be why…

it just means people arent trying to get it


i mean it has gotten alot more difficult with abyss diving

Bruh it is. My lags give me bigger stamina drain so that means I cant dive for too long or else I spawn at sameria and ragequit

It is quite a bit newer, and there hasn’t really been a reason to get it until recently.

Still it’s baffling because this badge is incredibly useful for farming abyssal gear

I think it’s a little silly that more people have Bronze Sea Abolitionist than Abyss Diver, even though it’s a bit new, it’s eaassy.

same thing as saying philosopher is rarer/harder to get than master angler tbh

you do know that you can set spawn in nimbus right

loading screen bug/time it takes to load despawns my brig and I drown for the second time

you play the game like this???

got over 400 hours on that file, also playing at graphic 3 and lower

People probably don’t care about diving in the Nimbus sea

Well I dont dive at all. I did it only for the yuletide since I got pretty much every single item (excluding boss drops) possible