So since I already have most of my files between my two accounts I’m curious about what I should turn my last file into. I would like suggestions for the file preferably not based off of a character already in a game or book, original characters or just someone from AO is preferred.
My other files
File 1: Raven
Gender: Male
Lore: An OC of mine who focuses on the use of weapons and magic absorption.
Build: Warrior
File 2: Emily
Gender: Female
Lore: A girl who grew up on a farm and learned to control water to great potential.
Build: Mage
File 3: Floyd
Gender: Male
Lore: A man who focuses on manipulating his way through ranks and levels. Works in the grand navy trying to raise his rank ever higher.
Build: Conjurer
File 4: Dragonmir
Gender: Male
Lore: A polymorphed dragon who can manipulate light and is more durable than most people.
Build: Paladin
File 6: ____
Gender: Female
Lore: An Inari fox girl ripped from her home hellbent on revenge, Can manipulate the weather and storms to her will.
Build: Warlock
File 7: ____
Gender: Male
Lore: A berserker who lost a leg and has been training to get back at the navy for his lost family and leg.
Build: Berserker
File 8: Sol Light
Gender: Female
Lore: Blessed with moonlight magic she has one goal: speed.
Build: Savant: 90 magic, 100 strength, 60 weapon
An explorer kid in sandals, a white shirt, and a backpack.
They use wind magic or or earth magic, and the color of their shorts and hair will match the color of their magic.
Conjurer or warlock too, no boxing because of those clown gloves. Not the best choices for a warlock imo but at least better than fire? Also, pristine can advocate for earth.