Og forums

:fire: the forums has changed drastically
still has the same spirit of geniune fury and anger surrounding vetex or magic it self

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Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve been on the forums since a few months after it began (I donā€™t know when it began)

Ok after reading the comments above me it seems I was here day 5 lol.

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i made this account on september 5, 2020, almost 5 years ago
about 5 months younger than metaā€™s account

wasnā€™t here on the very first days but still there when it was pretty young :older_man:




slight inconvenience clearly means vetex has lost it and the game is ruined

active is a strong word
i mean i still check my notifications for followed people and newly made suggestion/question topics but i usually have nothing worthwhile to say.
and i was basically completely inactive this month but that was on everything including gaming ever since i started working again, unrelated to the forum

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Was never really an active poster but I still come to skim off topic posts from time to time. Fewer and fewer interesting ones Iā€™d say, but itā€™s probably more telling of a change in me than in the forum.

Iā€™m newer, and Iā€™m reacting to your message because I remember youā€™re really nice haiii :3

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todays events really solidified it for me
current forums fucking suck

Iā€™d sayā€¦ it depends on where. Gamehero, Sock, Warm Water, and a few other people are actually really nice. Hyperspace, Skyrocket, even Fartman make this place feel alive and I savor their messages. It doesnā€™t suck. It justā€¦ struggles. But thereā€™s a beauty in that struggle.

i really just despise the people who constantly spout bullshit and make this place far more negative and toxic than it needs to be.

those people only seem to grow unfortunately

the pvp topic is one hell of a great example imo, pvpers trying to have a civil discussion and it justā€¦ devolved.

old forum was nice, it was all sunshine and rainbows

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Joined when AO publicly released and in those 3 years I have seen maybe around 2-3 og guys get banned

You used to be very vocal about your opinions as far as I can recall. Glad to know someoneā€™s still lurking around here after all this time, I feel like a stranger again :sob:

Still around I see. Been a while!

Wait, youā€™re that person?

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ThatOneGuy left, so I started doing the welcomes.

Awā€¦ whoā€™s gonna be the Apocalypse Bringer obsessed acc nowā€¦