I just saw a bison on TV, he was tamed but i fear him, he was giant… i am afraid
…when will we be done with joke topics
im not fucking kidding this bitch was like twice the size of a person he was gigantic he is what i fear
you mean you want actual debates on this section of shit posts?
no but not the kind of random=funny posts, because it’s not
this is an informational post to convey the fear i felt realizing bison were twice my size and could easily kill me
Dood a girl whose pfp is her dead hamster and is WAX is conveying her fear of the great big, o so big, bisons just leave her alone smfh.
i am not wax
yes you are stop denying it o our lord and saviour WAX.
i bet this is a conspiracy to get me sent to the fucking shadow realm
wait a moment,how you know the picture of she use is the dead hamster,she talked this on a 13 day old post,and you joined 2 day ago
we literally all know it’s an alt stop acting surprised
you can just check the profile for 10 sec and realize
Alright lemme compile the stuff
Joined 2 days ago
Their roblox account was created 2 days ago
6/8 topics created are a joke
aware of previous events which is clearly unnatural for someone who joined 2 days ago
I don’t think i missed much
lolxd lol time to chillax bruh
Why have I been @'d?
now you have material to be the only one space profile user,thank me later
i do not make idea what is this,but sounds cool anyways
its called off topic