Olympus, an Arcane Story - Prologue

Thousands of years ago, when the Old Gods still ruled over the world, Gaia, the God of the Earth, bore the child of a human. The name of this Demi-god is lost to time. The child lived a normal life, tending to his father’s farm in the village he was born in. When he became an adult, a monk visited his village, teaching its inhabitants how to wield Magic for their own use. The Demi-god possessed amazing compatibility with Earth magic, using it to better the village and his home. Some years later, after the death of his father, the man left his village, determined to learn of the monk’s identity and the fate of his mother. After decades of travel, the Demi-god reached the base of Mount Olympus, and began his ascent. He was guided by nothing other than instinct and willpower. When he reached the peak, he joined the Gods, and discovered his true nature, meeting his mother for the first time. He remained in the presence of the Gods for years, witnessing the death of Zeus at the hands of the monk he once searched for, who he know knew as Prometheus. All was peaceful, until war struck. During the Hundred-Year war, the Demi-god was struck down by Arthur the Cursebeard in an attempt to defend his mother. His essence fell from Olympus, and was absorbed by the Earth he drew his power from, to resurface one day and exact his revenge.

Despite the changing world, his soul persisted, tethered to this reality by nothing more than sheer willpower alone.

One day, a special child was born. It is known that his birth name is Silas, but his lineage is unknown. After thousands of years of rest, the Demi-god’s soul possessed the newborn. Wrought with the vengeance and anger of his possessor’s spirit, the newborn quickly aged into a young man, maintaining the intelligence and knowledge of the Demi-god’s past. He trained every day to reform the strength of his magic, but his abilities were exponentially weaker than they once were due to the limits of his body, as well as the use of magic circles. He knew that he had to get stronger. But another child in the village caught his eye; a young mage by the name of Sol, two years older than Silas. They began to speak, Silas sharing his ideas and knowledge of his previous life, and entrusting Sol as a confidant. Sol believed what he had to say, and they grew to be comrades, determined to enact Silas’ vision upon this world. By the time Silas had reached thirteen years of age, he had worked for years alongside Sol to create their ship: a Ketch, named Theseus. Silas and Sol set out with one vision, and one vision alone; to reform Olympus, and give birth to a new age of Gods. This is the tale of how they changed the fate of the world forever.


If you name your ship Theseus you’re asking for trouble.

Don’t blame me for my D E E P L O R E.

“In the metaphysics of identity, the ship of Theseus is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The concept is one of the oldest in Western philosophy, having been discussed by the likes of Heraclitus and Plato by c. 500–400 BC.


The thought puzzle was discussed by ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus ( Cratylus 401d) and Plato ( Parmenides 139),[1] later by Plutarch,[2] and more recently by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Several variants are known, including the grandfather’s axe , which has had both head and handle replaced. This is itself an example of Ship of Theseus, as the original story has had various elements replaced over time.

The particular “ship of Theseus” version of the thought puzzle was first introduced in Greeklegend as reported by the historian, biographer, and essayist Plutarch:

The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned from Crete had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their places, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same.

— Plutarch, Theseus [2]

Plutarch thus questions whether the ship would remain the same if it were entirely replaced, piece by piece. Centuries later, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes introduced a further puzzle, wondering what would happen if the original planks were gathered up after they were replaced, and then used to build a second ship.[3] Hobbes asked which ship, if either, would be the original ship of Theseus.

An ancient Sanskrit Buddhist text titled Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa , which was later translated into Classical Chinese ( Da zhidu lun 大智度論), contains a similar philosophical puzzle.[4]

Thought experimentEdit

It is supposed that the famous ship sailed by the hero Theseus in a great battle was kept in a harbor as a museum piece, and as the years went by some of the wooden parts began to rot and were replaced by new ones; then, after a century or so, every part had been replaced. The question then is whether the “restored” ship is still the same object as the original.

If it is, then suppose the removed pieces were stored in a warehouse, and after the century, technology was developed that cured their rot and enabled them to be reassembled into a ship. Is this “reconstructed” ship the original ship? If it is, then what about the restored ship in the harbor still being the original ship as well?[5]

Proposed resolutionsEdit

No identity over timeEdit

This solution was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who attempted to solve the thought puzzle by introducing the idea of a river where water replenishes itself as it flows past. Arius Didymus quoted him as saying “upon those who step into the same rivers, different and again different waters flow”.[6]Plutarch disputed Heraclitus’ claim about stepping twice into the same river, citing that it cannot be done because “it scatters and again comes together, and approaches and recedes”.[7]


Main article: Perdurantism

Ted Sider and others have proposed that considering objects to extend across time as four-dimensional causal series of three-dimensional “time-slices” could solve the ship of Theseus problem because, in taking such an approach, all four-dimensional objects remain numerically identical to themselves while allowing individual time-slices to differ from each other. The aforementioned river, therefore, comprises different three-dimensional time-slices of itself while remaining numerically identical to itself across time; one can never step into the same river-time-slice twice, but one can step into the same (four-dimensional) river twice.[8]

Cognitive scienceEdit

According to Noam Chomsky, as described in Of Minds and Language (2009), the thought puzzle arises because of extreme externalism: the assumption that what is true in our minds is true in the world.[9] This is not an unassailable assumption, from the perspective of the natural sciences, because human intuition is often mistaken.[10] Cognitive science would treat this thought puzzle as the subject of an investigation of the human mind. Studying this human confusion can reveal much about the brain’s operation, but little about the nature of the human-independent external world.[11]

Following on from this observation, a significant strand in Cognitive Science would consider The Ship not as a thing, nor even a collection of objectively existing thing-parts, but rather as an organisational structure that has perceptual continuity.[12] When Theseus thinks of his ship, he has expectations about what can be found where, how they interact, and how they interact with the wider world. As long as there is a time/space continuity between this set of relationships, it is The Ship of Theseus. An organisational structure of course has to have components, but these also are defined in the same way. Such a recursive structure must “bottom out” somewhere and the enactivists[13] see this grounding to be based in our embodied relationship with our environment. In Cohen’s (see below) example where a scavenger follows Theseus, collecting the discarded parts of the original Ship of Theseus and then re assembles them, the reassembled ship is not The Ship of Theseus because, presumably a court of law would say, Theseus does not have the “owns” relationship with the reconstructed ship.

Gradual loss of identityEdit

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As the parts of the ship are replaced, the identity of the ship gradually changes, as the name “Theseus’ Ship” is a truthful description only when the historical memory of Theseus’ use of the ship—his physical contact with, and control of, its matter—is accurate. For example, the museum curator, before any restoration, may say with perfect truthfulness that the bed in the captain’s cabin is the same bed in which Theseus once slept; but once the bed has been replaced, this is no longer true, and the claim would then be an imposture, because a different description would be more accurate, i.e.; “a replica of Theseus’s bed”. The new bed would be as foreign to Theseus as a completely new ship. This is true of every other piece of the original ship. As the parts are replaced, the new ship becomes exactly that: a new ship. Hobbes’ proposed restored ship built from the original parts will be the original ship, as its parts are the actual pieces of matter that participated in Theseus’s journeys. A real world example of this would be the USS Constitution , where multiple refittings and restorations over its 200 years of service have removed most of the original parts.[14]


The thought puzzle appears in several more applied fields of philosophy.

In philosophy of mind, the ship is replaced by a person whose identity over time is called into question.[ citation needed ]

In both philosophy of law and practical law, the thought puzzle appears when the ownership of an object or of the rights to its name are disagreed in court.[ citation needed ] For example, groups of people such as companies, sports teams, and musical bands may all change their parts and see their old members re-form into rivals, leading to legal actions between the old and new entities. Also, texts and computer programs may be edited gradually but so heavily that none of the original remains, posing the legal question of whether the owners of the original have any claim on the result.

Yes, Blackfoot, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Thin Lizzy and Ratt are examples of rock bands that have retained their names despite member reshufflings to the degree that none of the founding members of the respective bands remain.

In ontological engineering such as the design of practical databases and AI systems, the thought puzzle appears regularly when data objects change over time.[ citation needed ]

A literal example of a Ship of Theseus is DSV Alvin , a submarine that has retained its identity despite all of its components being replaced at least once.[15]

RNA, a central polymer of life, has been proposed to have evolved from an earlier genetic polymer in a manner that makes it a biological example of a Ship of Theseus.[16]

In architecture, Lance Hosey has proposed that the Barcelona Pavilion is “modern architecture’s ship of Theseus.” Demolished and rebuilt in exacting detail on the original site, can it be considered the “same” building? He thoroughly documents the ambivalence of architects and historians about this question.[17]



On the bright side, you get to write one less college essay now.

very true, very inspirational

Who the fuck would ever write a college essay about the Ship of Theseus.


I copy and pasted a whole Wikipedia article isnt that obvious…?

cool now write a story about among us haha jk unless??

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Then the wikipedia editors wrote a college essay about the Ship of Theseus

How was it not obvious tho…

Because my IQ is 0